
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)


The Fundam ental P roblem s of the Pattern Theory for M arx ism. s Chinese Characterizat ion …WAN G H ao 2bin( 1)
A n Innovation R esearch in Ph ilosophy ………………………………………………………………LIU R an( 10)
The L ead ing and the Integration of the Soc ia l T rend of Thoughts in Contem porary China
) ) ) Concurrently D iscussing Its P art icularity …………………………………………………WEN Ya( 24)
The C rim e o fH olding a H uge Am ount of P roperty w ith U n identified Sources in the Perspective o f P resumpt ion of
Innocence ……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Shuang ( 45)
O n the Econom ic Increase and the Environm enta lM on ito r …………………………………SUN Zhong2cai( 55)
S tudy on the In fluence of Ch inese Curriculum D es ign to Ch inese T each ing P ractice …………LU G ao2chao( 65)
A few Q uestions about the R esearch on the R elationsh ip betw een CHEN Y uan2guang and the Exploration o f
Southern Fujian ………………………………………………………………………TAN G Zhang2p ing ( 70)
A bout ancien t Jiang G uo geography and histo ry ………………………………………………JIN R ong2quan( 89)
O n the Innovation and the In fluence o fHAN Y u. s Ste le Script ……………………………ZH AO Er2chao ( 116)
To Be and N ot to B e O n SunL i. s A ttitude tow ard L ife in H is D eclin ing Y ears ……………………YE Jun( 131)
The R easons of the T raditional Scho lar O ffic ia l Steps up to the R oad of R eform
) ) ) In P erspect ive o f L IU Guang2di………………………………………SU Quan2you, WANG Shen( 144)
A nalys is on A rch itecture R ebu ild the V enetian Cultura lM em ory ………………LIU H ua2y ing, LUO Yu2lan( 153)


The Deepening of Understanding about the Development Rules of Human Society
by the Scientific Outlook on Development ……………………………………HENG Cai-xia,WANG Gui-lan(1)
Observing the Development Process of Socialism Practice from the Relationship Chang
between the State and the Society …………………………………………………………………LIU Xiu-hua(5)
The Application of Paragraph 2 of Article of 63 in the Penal Code
———On the view of the interpretation of case ……………………………………………………WANG Yu-jie(9)
Perfecting China’s Procedures of Investigation of Interrogation in Harmonious Context …ZHANG Yun-ling(13)
Analysis of the Basic Value Orientation for Building of New Socialist Countryside
———Take the“Building the Comprehensive Pilot Area for Agricultural Reform and
Development in Henan Province”as An Example …………………………………………………LU Liang(21)
The Path Exploration on Expanding the Peasant Orderly Participation Politics ………………………LI Rui(30)
On the Distribution of China’s Total Social Product from the “Critique of the Gotha Program”
……………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Ming-gui(35)
Study on the Rural Financial Ecology Issues and Countermeasures of the Central Region
of China ………………………………………………………………………………………HU Chun-xiang (40)
On Career Planning of University Teachers ………………………………………………………WANG Xia(44)
Development and Study of University Ideological and Political Education
by Internet Means …………………………………………………………………………SUN Chang-zhong(48)
The Study on the Basis of Perform Space of the Gangtianshen Ritual in the South of Henan Province
and the West of Anhui Province
———take the Gangtianshen Ritual of Lv Farm Lvhuliu VillageYuweizi Country Xincai County
Henan Province as an example ……………………………………………………………………LI Jing-min(60)
The Formation of “Juan Opera”of the the Upper Reaches of Huaihe River and the Survey
of Its Musical Type ………………………………………………………………………………GUO De-hua(65)
On the Distribution of Celebrity Resources in Henan Privince and Its Tourism Development
……………………………………………………………………………………………………YE Zong-bao(77)
Development Model of Western Museum Based on France,United Kingdom
and United States …………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Guo-chao(81)
The Generation of ba Word Sentence and the relative questions …………………LIU Pei-yu,XU Hai-ming(86)
The Auxiliary Word “的”of the Luoshan Dialect in Henan Province …………WANG Dong,LUO Ming-yue(92)
The Reform of the Desire
———Based on the synthesis of the way Pre-Qin Confucianism thinking and dealing
with the desire ……………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Xin(119)
On the Return of Prosodic Value after 1919 ……………………………………………………LI Guo-hui(124)
On the Smuggle Trade in China after Anti-Japanese War
——— take the south of China as an example (1946-1949) ……………………………………WEI Yan-qiu(148)



O n T heoretical System of Socia lism w ith Ch inese Characteristics from Com b ined Sight ……H UAN G J ia2mao( 1)
O n the P eriodic Character istics& C auses o f T rans form at ion of MAO Ze2dong. s Ideo logy of
N ew D em ocratic C apitalism ………………………………………………………………H UANG Ling2li( 7)
Inheritance of / D iscusses Comm unis t Party M em ber. s T rain ing0 from the Confucian ism
M orals T raining T heory………………………………………………………ZH AN G T ie2jun, YU X in2jie( 16)
O n the Interpretat ion of Locke. s Po litical F reedom ……………………GUAN X iao2m ing, ZH AN G Sheng2yu( 21)
The Integration T endency o f the Influence F acto rs of W ell2being ………………XU Yuan2li, ZH AO Yu2hong ( 30)
M u lt i2dim entional R esearch on the N ature of Custod ial Coercive M easures ……………JIAN G H uan2q iang ( 42)
The Spirit of the C rim ina l L aw on Cons titut iona lizat ion …………………………………………X U Gui2m in( 47)
O n the G enera tion of Content Prepos itional Phrase and It. s Sentence Buliding M echan ism
YUE Zhong2qi ( 56)
H es ita tion in S im ultaneous Interpre ting ……………………………………………………Q IN Li2li, LU Yan( 61)
S tudy on the U nit o f T ranslat ion
) ) ) F rom the P erspective of U nit o f Sense in the Interpretive Theory o f T ranslat ion ……PEI W en2juan( 70)
O n the R ole the Editor in A pply ing the Ed it ing N orm s ……………………………………………JI J ia2you( 78)
D iscuss ion about Y outh Subcu lture of Idol2oriented Forum s ………………………………………TAN G K e( 81)
O n the T ransform ation and D estination o fM odern N ove l C oncept ……………………………H E G en2m in( 108)
O n the B irth of L iterature in M odern Ch inese L iterary and Its T heo retica l V a lue ……………LUO W ei2w en( 113)
O n the Introduction of W estern L iterary Theories into M odern Ch ina( 1917~ 1937) …………LI F eng 2w ei( 118)
Comm ents on State Sa lvation System dur ing H an D ynasty …………………………………ZH EN J in2zhong ( 137)
O n the Comm odities of G overnm enta l T rade be tw een Song and G ao li ………………………………LU M in( 143)


The Leadership of the CPC and the Modernization Construction of China ……………………………LI Jun( 1)
On the Historical Research,Practical Problems and Route Choice of Marxism Popularity in Rural Society
FENG Zhi-jun,GUO Zhi-qin( 9)
The Theory Outline of Liang Qi-chao’s Human Science
———from the point of the New Citizen Theory ……………………………………………HUANG Xin( 28)
Liu Zong-yuan's Official Theory of Ideology on the Socio-political Context of the Mid-tang ……XU Bo-hong( 37)
The Demonstration on Circumstances of Crime …………………………………………………WANG Li-bin( 56)
A Choice in the Harmonious Society
———To eliminate function of remedy inquiry and the establishing of judicial authority …………MA Li( 70)
Status Quo of the Rural Grass Roots Power “Floating”and Anglicizing the Nature of It
ZHANG Yong,ZHANG Wei( 75)
On the Reform of Different Employment Systems in Urban and Rural Areas under the Perspective of Citizenalization
of Farmer Workers ……………………………………………………………………………XUN Yong-xin( 81)
An Elementary Research on the Formation of Crescent moon poem school ………………KONG Ling-huan( 111)
A Generation’s Awakening Soul History
———the spirit process of the“Zhi Qing”literature after the Cultural Revolution …………MA Ling-li( 121)
The Impact of North Song Dynasty Taoism over Imperial Competitive Examination ……ZHANG Zhen-qian( 140)
The Federal System Reason for the Soviet Union Territory Change …………………………MOU Mo-ying( 153)


On Marx's " World History" Contemporary Inspiration …………………WANG Chun-mei,ZHUO Ming-liang( 1)
From Marx's Theory of Humanity to Interpret the Personal Happiness and Social Happiness
……………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Xian-qi( 14)
Undifferentiated Love
———On the Similarity between Charity and Universal Love ………………………………ZHANG Gai-e( 18)
Merging into Nature
———the exploration of Zhuangzi's ideological level ………………………………………………MA ji( 22)
On the Founction of the Private Speech of Language in Infant's Mental Development …………Liu Xiao-feng( 33)
On the Public Participation in Legislation ………………………………………………………CAI Jia-qin( 40)
On the Application of Life Imprisonment in Juvenile Delinquency Cases ……………………BAI Meng-ren( 44)
On the Consultation in Mediation and Arbitration ……………………………………………CHEN Wen-hua( 47)
On the Construction of the System of Henan Culture Industrial Innovation Based
on Industry Cluster …………………………………………………………………………FAN Shu-qin( 60)
On the Puzzle and Reform Direction of University Curriculum Appraisal in China …………WANG Jin-yun( 65)
On the " Abatement of Administration" in Chinese Higher Educational Institutions'
Management ………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Yu-An( 68)
On the Cultivating Mode of Telants in Vocational College ……………………………………LIANG Qi-gui( 73)
On the Cutural Characteristics of the Fulaoxi Folk Yizhen in Taiwan ………………………ZHENG Yu-ling( 98)
Reading Picture " Look" of Aesthetic Education ………………………………………………ZHANG Xin( 103)
Flower of Modern Poem in Real Soil
———on the poems by YUAN Ke-jia ………………………………………………………LIU Shi-jie( 106)
Satanical Fighter And Moonlight Singer
———A comparison between lu xun and xu xu ………………………………………………YU Li-feng( 111)
From Late Qing Dynasty to the May Fourth Movement: the Formation of the Morden Model
of Arts Popularization Movement ……………………………………………………………GAN HAO( 118)
Driving Force of Establishing Press Laws in Late Qing Dynasty …………………………………LI Wei-hua( 143)
On the Culture on Organization System of the Ancient Folk Financial Institutes ………………LI Rui-fang( 147)
On the Method of the CPC in Taking Advantage of and Transforming the Gang
in Labor Movement ……………………………………………………………………HAN Zhen-guo( 152)


A Comm entary of the C omparative S tudy on the O riental Societies 'D eve lopm ent P atterns
WANG Ju2qin , YUAN Y ing 2ke( 1)
Com parat ive A na lys is of the Ideo logy of W orld G overnance in the M a instream of W estern International R elations
Theories…………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhou( 6)
R esearch on the Co llege S tudents 'G rateful Characteris tics Based on the D emography V ariab les
H E A n2m ing, H U I Q iu2p ing ( 23)
The Counterm easures to P revent and Contro l the A cadem ic Corruption …………………………LIU Shou 2y i( 40)
The L egal R egu lation on the M onopo ly A greem ent P ractice by T rade A ssoc iation ……………WAN G Yu2hui( 49)
O n the Inte llectual P roperty o f the Bu ildings …………………………………………………ZUO J in2f eng ( 56)
The R esearch O r ien tation o f the H is tory of G ushi Imm igration in T ang Dynasty ………………YIN Quan2hai( 92)
The Configuration and Sign ificance o f Spread ing 3G M obile Phone M ed ia ……………………FAN G T ing ( 107)
The Im ages of the Curta ins in L i shang2y in s' Poetry ………………………………………ZEN G Yan2hong ( 111)
Po lyphon ic N arrativeM ode) ) ) the D ivers ity o f the O penness in L iu K e s' F iction ……………LI Ru i2hua( 123)
R esponse and Q uery of theW estern Ecolog ical Philosophy: A n E co log ica l Look into T a iw an Con temporary A borig i2
nal L iterature ………………………………………………………………………………………PEN G J ia( 127)
D isorientation and Sa lvat ion
) ) ) T he V alue and P light of the Cu ltural Conservative Schools in M odern Ch ina ……H UO X iao2ling ( 138)
The Socia l Conditions in N ortheast Ch ina befo re the " 9# 18" Incident …………………………SH I Yan( 143)


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