
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)


O n t he necess ity of st icking t o the g uiding posit ion of M arx ism ……………………J I A N G X u-dong( 1)
M A O Ze-dong' s explorat ion on t he problem of socialis t co mmo dit y product ion …………J I H ong-w u( 5)
Econom ic G lobalit y fro m perspect ines Communist M ainif est o ………………………………L I Guang( 10)
A brief survey of L enin's t houg ht on legal sy st em ……………………………………ZH A N G Guo-an( 19)
T he Conf ucian t endency of ideolog y of Q IU Chu-ji ……………………………………Y A N B ing-Gang( 28)
L abour and labour value t heo ry in the condit io n of s ocialist market economy ……SO N G Guang-hua( 37)
St andardizat io n and indust rializat io n pro mot ing ag ricult ur al co operat ion ……………S UN Zhong-cai( 52)
T he enlightenment of C. G . Jungs ps ycho log ical t heo ry to m ent al healt h
………………………………………………………………………ZH A N G R i-sheng , D EN G X iao-long( 56)
Sum mary of t he st udy in st res s …………………………………WA N G Ming-hui , ZH A N G Shu-x i( 59)
O n t he pronouns in J i n p in Mei Ci H ua ………………………………X U Y ang-min, X U D ong-x iao( 77)
U nmarked pro gress ive co nnect ive met hod of g rammar ……………………………………ZH OU J i ng( 82)
A ex po sit io n of t he st udy on t he lit erat ure in t he N ort hern Dynast y in 20t h cent ur y ………H U X u( 89)
Revo lut ion in t he circle of novel ………………………………………GH EN G Guang-w ei , GU A N Su( 98)
Revo lut ion in t he circles o f po et ry …………………………………………………………ZH A O Ping( 102)
T he s t udy o f t he P re-Q in days ' po lit ical co nf lict thought ………CH EN M ing -f an, SO N G Y an-t ao( 106)
T he r es earch on T he Ins tit ute of Hist ory and Philolog y and it s ant i-Japanese
his t oriog raphy …………………………………………………………………K O N G X iang -cheng( 117)

T he sel f-consciousness of nat ional cult ure and t he Chinese adapt ation o f Mar xism
………………………………………………………………………………………ZH A N G Rui-tang( 1)
O n t ho ug ht s of JIA N G Ze-min' s administ rat ive ethics ………………………………………L I S hi -shu( 5)
O n Mar x' s crit icism spirit ………………………………………………………………D I N G Shao-f eng( 14)
A survey o f 50 years st udy of lo gic hist ory in China ………………………………………L IU Pei -yu( 22)
A com pariso n bet w een w est er n and east ern log ics:
merg ence o f w est ern and east ern cult ures …………………………………………………CUI Qi ng-tian( 25)
Y an dao、yan shi and yuan lei、y in pi ………………………………………………………D ON G Zhi -t ie( 28)
Issues on t he successio n of st ock rig ht ……………………………………………………………L I Zhe( 37)
T he st udy f or real name system of sav ing s acco unt and r elat ive legal pr obl em s
………………………………………………………………………ZH A I Ming-hui, H U A N G J ing -yan( 41)
A nal ysis on A Q 's spirit -sat isf ied met ho d fro m t he t w o sides of small peasants
cult ur al ment al st ruct ure …………………………………………………………Y U A N Y in-chuan( 56)
A survey o f root s-seeking in M id-China ……………………………………………W A N G Y ong-kuan( 74)
Review on r esearches of Shuo W en J ie Zi in t he last 10 years …………………………B I A N Ren-hai( 89)
T he v iew po int about lit er at i of L IU X ie fr om Wenx inx iaolong ……………………………L I Gui -qin( 93)
Conflict and harmo nizat ion: T he nat io nalized pr ecess of Chinese early mo vies ……………J IA O Su-e( 97)
O n t he f ront ier poem s in Y uan D ynast y ……………………………………………………T I A N y un( 106)
O n t he m scell aneous skill in z aj u of t he Y uan D ynast y ………………………………ZH A N G Ben-yi ( 110)
A r ev iew o f the g overnment - operat ed r elief org anizat ion in Song Dynast y …………GU O W en-j ia( 118)
Psycho logical cause of Southern M ing s landlor ds surrendering …………………CH EN H ua-L ing( 122)

T he evol ut ional cour ses and enl ig ht m ent s on t he aim s of t he CP C building s ………………L I Y ou-guo( 1)
A ll-ro und w ay dev elo pment of human beings and social progr es sion ……ZH ON G Mu-y uan, CA I N a( 8)
T he t radit ional f ilial piet y and parent al af fect ion and t heir r ealist ic values ………………X U Y a-f ei( 11)
T he f act ors t o rest rict t he m oral act ion of company 's managers
and count ermeasures ………………………………………………………………………YA N G L in( 15)
A r ev iew o f the r easo ns o f Sino-Soviet debat e and Sino -So viet
relations det eriorat io n ……………………………………………………………………L I Mi ng-bin( 19)
O n t he f act or s that influence opinions of nat ional s ecurity ………………………………GUO Y i -w ei( 24)
T he evol ut ion of the relat ion bet w een cent ral and local econom y since
t he foundat io n of China and its r ev elat ion ……………………………………………X IE Y u-hua( 28)
T he aut ho rity t heo ret ical analy sis of " super-nat ional"org anizat ion ………L I U P ing, S ON G X u-mi ng( 32)
st at e' s t ort af fecting ment al rights …………………………………………………………Y U F u-sheng( 35)
Coases' approaches t o inst it ut ional analysis and the s hif t of econo mics paradigm ………L I U Fen-hua( 39)
O n t he diversif icat io n st rat eg ies o f Chines e st at e-o wned com mercial banks ………ZH U W en-z hong( 43)
Research int o t he m ode of old-age car e in rural area ………………………………ZH A N G W ei-p i ng( 51)
O n t he w o rk under legal ag e in our count ry …………………………………………………L I W en-an( 55)
L ifelong educatio n thought and t he ref orm of hig her nor mal educat ion o f our count ry
……………………………………………………………………………SH I M ing -de, X U D a-z hen( 58)
Ways of non-go vernm ent al univers ity 's develo pment f rom
"ext ens ive"t o"intensive" ………………………………………………………………L IU J ian-w ei( 63)
Comparison bet ween A rist ot le and L iu Xie' s
L ang uage-s ty list ics A est het ic Ideolog y ……………………………………………ZE N G Y u-z hang( 91)
T he f undam ent al and manif est s pace pat t er ns in t he clas sical po et ry ……………ZH A N G H ong -y un( 95)
N at io nal spirit : an int er pret ation of Chines e new poet ry in t he 20t h cent ury ………ZH A O J in-z hong( 99)
L iterat ur e of hum an ……………………………………………………………………Y UA N Shi-ning( 103)
Ibs enisns …………………………………………………………………………………ZH E N G Y u-hong( 107)
Confucius' ideas o n his t ory in the A nalect s …………………………………………………SH I L i -j un( 111)
V iew points on modern science and technolog y of t he advocat es of the w est ernizat ion
…………………………………………………………………………………………H A N X iao-lin( 115)
A s urvey o f Sino-F rance relat io n in A nt i-Japanese W ar ……………………………Y A N G D eng -hong( 118)

O n CHEN Y un’s t hought of social econom ic const ruct ion ……………………………ZEN G Chang-qiu( 1)
T he dial ectical relat ions betw een impo rt ant t hought of T hree Repr es ent s and s tandards
of T hree A dvantag es ………………………………………………………………………H A N Zhen-f eng( 5)
O n t he t heory of conver sat io nal implicat ure ………………………………H U A N G H ua-x in, J I N L i( 18)
Why fals it y valne in pr opo sit io nal inf erence premis es is f iv st r eject ed and t hen cho sen
——A theoretical interpvetation of effective …………………………………………………N I Yin-lin( 23)
A com pariso n on t he w ay s of t he pol it ical part y 's of fice bet w een t he w es t er n
and east ern st at es ……………………………………………………………………………Y I N Y e -x i ng( 27)
O n t he concept of reservat ions to t reaties and t he dis tinct ion betw een res ervat io ns
and int erpret at ive declarat io ns ……………………………………………………………………S H I Lei( 41)
A s ummary of t he s tudy on the vo cat ional int erest in China ………………………………L I Y ong -x in( 56)
Int egrat ion and developm ent o f print ed and net w ork per io dicals …………W U Cheng-f u, W U S u-y un( 76)
Edit orial wo rk and r eceiver' s att ent ion ……………………………………………………FA N Yan-j un( 79)
A n explanat ion o f the w or d "bianpi"in The Anal ects of the Conf ucius ……………………X U Q ian-shi( 82)
O n t he l it erary his t ory research about the Si K u Quan Shu …………………………Y A N G Y ou-shan( 95)
T he s t ylist ic charact erist ics o f discourse r ichness o f the “Mo del D rama ………………ZH U K e -yi ( 104)
Hist orical cont emplat io n: A course of ′79-′89 arg um ent about st ream of co ns ciousness
in t he Chines e republic of let t ers ……………………………………………………………WU X i-min( 110)
A nal ysis of im ag es o f rebel wo men in moder n literat ur e ………………………………………Y I N J i ( 116)
Fr om disappearance t o rediscovery
——On half a century's fervor for ZHANG A i-ling ………………………………………W AN G Min( 120)

T he contemporary contr ibution of T he Com munist Part y of China to t he development
t heory o f societ y ……………………………………………………………………………H EN G Cai -x ia( 1)
A perso nal view on t he essence of D EN G Xiao -ping s theory …………………………………L I Y i-f an( 5)
O n t he process of dev elo pment of M arcuse' s humanism t houg ht ……………………………X I A X in( 17)
T r anscending t he t hinking orient at ion of v ir tue-ut ilitar ianism , f orm at
t he tim ehard-w or klng -spirit s ………………………………………………………………LU O X u-cheng( 21)
Spirit ual dam ag e on administr ative t o rt ………………………………………………W A N G L iang-j un( 25)
T he essence of eco nom ic globalizat io n and it s inf luence o n capit alism ……………………J U Zhan-j ie( 38)
T he f ramew ork design and t he count ermeasures of t he pro pert y right str ucture ………PE N G X i ng( 46)
M em ory t heory const ruct ion in t he pro gress o f methodolog y ……………………………X U D a-z hen( 58)
T he sum marizat ions on t he diff erent brain mechanismstudy betw een face recog nit ion
and o bject r ecognit io n ………………………………………………………Y I N H ai -lan, L I X in-w ang( 61)
M et a l ingnisf ic st udy on infor mat io n pro cessing ……………………………………………A N H ua-l in( 89)
T he pragm atic f unct ion o f lang nag e fo r public relatio ns ………………………………………WU Wei( 92)
T he spirit ud charact er ist ics of ancient Chinese lit erat ure …………………………………WU J ian-min( 94)
Some problems of t he Zaju play hist or y in t he Y uan D ynast y seen fro m
T he V ol ume of W horehouse ………………………………………………………………ZH A N G Ben-y i( 97)
Image culture: characteristic, f unctio n and meaning ………………………………………J I A O Su-e( 101)
N ew f olk song t he f iv e ev il social practices o f sport ………………………………ZH A O J in-z hong( 105)
O n t he devel opm ent of conso nance in t he science of har mony ……………………………L I J ing-min( 108)
A analysisof m elo dy and m usic sco re in t radit ional chinese music …………………………L I U Y ang( 112)

O n JIA N G Ze-min's view po int of science and technolog y ……………………………WA N G Qing-song( 1)
T he new t rend of f hought s and t he new f oreign
st rat egies o f int ernat ional relat ions in t he Po st -Cold War Er a …………………………H U Zong -shan( 7)
A t entat ive probe int o t he s ys t em of r elat ive non-accusat ion ………………………………L I K e-yuan( 11)
Sug gest ion f or legislat ion of the crime of huge property w it ho ut clear s ources ……L I U X iang -yan( 14)
A s t udy on t he developm ent t hinking o f t radit io nal
indus t ry of machiner y and equipment in the w est ern areas o f China ……………………………YU J i( 22)
T he Influence of G overnmental A ct ions upon t he G ap
bet w een t he rich and t he poo r and t heir count ermeasures ……………………………Y A N G Y un-shan( 25)
O n t he info rmat ion of f olk cult ure indust ry …………………………………………………J I Y u-kuan( 34)
T o improv e the o rganizational st ruct ur e in impo verished rural areas in t he w es t …………ZH O U Y i( 37)
A r es earch on IQ -independence of implicit l earning
…………………………………………………G U O Xiu-yan, HU A N G J ia, SU N Yi, Y A N G Zhi-liang( 40)
A t entat ive probe int o lear ning-cent ered t eaching t heory ……………………………Y A N G Guang-qi( 45)
A ccelerat ed development o f hig her educat io n fo r t eacher cult ivat ion is
t he requirement of t he nat ure of “T hree Repres ent s ”……………………………………GA O J ian-she( 49)
U niversit y journals and tr aining creat ive t alent ……………………………W A N G Q ian, ZH A N G J ie( 58)
Jo urnal qualit y and edit or' s role
……………………………………………………………………………………………………J I J ia-y ou ( 61)
Po st moder nis m and mass culture ………………………………………………………SU N Chang-J un( 65)
O n t he cultural mode and m eaning of t he CCT V Spring Fest ival Ev ening …………WU Sheng-gang( 70)
Illusion, dis il lus ion and rebirt h
——Sily's aw akening of female aw areness in T he Color Purple ………………………………ZH U L i( 90)
Feeling s of dis gust ing in t he noveli of T ang D ynast y …………………………………CH E N Q ing-ru( 93)
O n t he art charact erist ics of folk lang uag e of t he literat ure of Henan Q uy i ……………GA O Zi-mei ( 104)
A com ment o n ances t ral law sys t em of Z hou Dynast y ………………ZH A N G J i-cai, N I E Pu-sheng( 108)
T he L ong M ar ch o f Red A rmy and the ris e of revol ut ionar y m ovement in
ethnic m inor it ies ………………………………………………………………………SH EN G Qing-cai ( 111)

上一篇:In 2004 English contents

下一篇:In 2002 English contents