
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)


Signif icance in t he co mpar at ive s t udy of M A O Ze-dong and D EN G Xiao-ping 's
dialect ical thoug ht s ………………………………………………………………………L I U M ing -gui( 1)
T hree g enerations of CP C leaders and t he ev olution of t he st rat eg y in W es tern
Development ……………………………………………………………………………J IA N G Guo-hai( 6)
Exact under st aning and mas tering of "repres ent ing t he direction of pr ogress ive
cult ur e of China" ………………………………………………………………………………D U Chao( 12)
O n t he o rigin and t he f unct ion m echanism of M ohist scho ol's l ogic ………………S UN Zhong-y uan( 17)
O n t he f allacy t heo ry of M ohis t s chool' s log ic ………………………………………………X U J in-y un( 23)
T he caus e and count ermeasure of t he corrupt ion o n perso nnel m at t ers ………………CH EN Ping-qi( 26)
T hinking on t he concept and qualit y of adm inist rat ive s anction …………………………Y A O R ui -min( 32)
Hack and t he pro tect ion o f the r ig ht t o privacy in P C dat a …………………………S H A N G H ong-l in( 40)
Image colo ur of w ords and w ords w ith im age colour ……………………………………L IU Y u-p i ng( 69)
A s t udy on XU Shen and t he st ruct ural component s of Chinese char act ers ………………H A N Wei( 73)
Compos it ional f eat ure and s pecial expressions of Chinese charact ers ……………………W A N G Fang( 77)
T he Influence of et hnical musical cult ure on t he Dram a of Y uan Dy nast y …………ZH A N G Ben-y i( 82)
Senses of l onelines s and s alv ation in L U X uns w orks …………………………………W A N G Y u-hai( 90)
M ovies in 1960s and cult ur al f as hio n ………………………………………………CH E N G Guang -w ei( 96)
O n t he r ef orm of polit ical sys t em of the 1898 Mo vem ent ……………L I A N G Y an-bing, LI U R ong( 107)
T he est ablishment and evolut ion of t he pres idency in the early years
of t he republ ic o f China( 1912—1924) ………………………………………………CU I Y ue-f eng( 112)

O n t he m et hedolo gical sig nif icance of M arx 's hist orical t ho ug ht in glo balizat ion st udies
……………………………………………………………………………………Y UA N X iu-li, J IA Min-r en( 1)
N ew co ncept of class and clas s st rugg le of CPU SA ………………………………………D I N G S hu-j ie( 6)
O n st reng t hening and perfecting t he procur at or ial superv is ion ov er t he adminis t rativ e
enf orcem ent of the law …………………………………………………………………………L I W en-f a( 10)
T he leg al relat io ns hip betw een elementar y s chool a s t udent in China …………………ZH U Gui -qin( 14)
L eg al liabil it y sy st em in t he building of companies ……………………………………ZH A O L ian-hui( 17)
T he hist or ical evol ut ion and res t ucture o f economic cooperat ion or ganiz at ions
in t he count ry side of China ………………………………………………………………………MA Cong( 21)
T he applicat ion o f t ax rev enue planning t o busines s acco unt ing and f inancial manag enent
………………………………………………………………………………………………L I A N G J ing-bo( 25)
Pro blems in and refor ms on t he specialized courses of s enior no rmal coll eg e ……………WA N G Yi ng( 29)
T he info rmat ion dif ference in verbal comm unicat ion …………………………………………N E I L i -na( 48)
O n br eakt hr oug h and creation of H an Gong Q iu t o t he orig inal t heme of
“Zhao Jun He Fan” ………………………………………………………………………YA N G You-shan( 66)
M yt h·epic·legend
——Retrospection to China's “w ar film”after 1949 …………………………………………JIA O Su-e( 88)
O n N A T O ’s consult ation sys t em , 1950s-1980s ……………………………………………X U H ai -y un( 97)
Q ues tio n on “t he dis int egrat ion”of the Y alt a Sys t em ………………………………Y A N G H e-p ing( 102)
FU Si-nian and t he f oundat io n of t he archeolog y o f moder n China ………………W A N G F eng-qing( 112)

Explorat ions of mo derniz at ion s t rateg y o f t he CP C’s three g ener at ions of leading groups
………………………………………………………………………………L I Chao-y ang , WA N G X uan( 1)
T houg ht s on s t rengt hening ideolog ical and moral educat ion …………L I U S hou-y i, WA N G Wen-hua( 2)
Syllabus o f Chines e economics …………………………………………………………W A N G Wen-chen( 16)
Dis cuss io n about s ys tem of ow nership and proper ty s yst em ……………………………………K E Wei( 20)
St udy o n old-ag e care rur al aged model in rural ar eas of China in the t ransit ional period
…………………………………………………………………………WA N G Y a-ke, Y A N G Zhen-l in( 23)
Reunder st anding of cos t management ……………………………………………………X I E Y ang -chun( 35)
Q ual it y educat ion' s role in the s tr at egy of s ust ainable development ……………………Y U H ao-x un( 38)
T he problem wit h t he vocational education in the count rys ide and the s olut io n
………………………………………………………………………RU A N Cheng-guo, H E Y uan-hang ( 42)
Py ramid pat t er n: a pract ical ex plor at ion int o t eaching m et hods in course o f
Modern E nterp r ise M anagement ……………………………………………………QI X iang-dong( 56)
O n met ho dolo gy of college Englis h t eaching by s ix -w ay as so ciat io ns ……………………L IU J I -x in( 65)
O n mut ual moving mechanis m bet w een t eachers prof es sion pre-cult ivat ing and pos t -t raining
…………………………………………………………………………………………………H E J ia-l i( 68)
Sum mary of t he st udies in N and V phras es …………………………………………CH EN Qing-han( 83)
Some t hought s on linguist ic int uit ion and tr ansl at ion ………………………………ZH A N G Cai -y un( 88)
Br ief dis cuss ion about the usag e of “, ”and“O ”…………………………………………ZH OU Ye -qin( 91)
Heav en and man combine int o o ne
—— Appreciation of Wordsw orth's T he L ost L ove …………………………………………L IU Bao-an( 93)
Coholly reveal peo ple and reveal people as a w hole
——a comparison between Joyce and Gogol ……………………………………………GOU Guang-f ei( 97)
A bout t he conscio us nes s of Ci and Fu cr eat ion and es say idea of Han dynast y ……Y A N G D e-gui ( 100)
Ro mat ic f eat ures of XU Z hi-mo 's poem s …………………………………………………L I U Y ao-z hu( 103)
T he t ens ion bet w een t he narrat or and t he narrat ed object ion
——The narrative crisis and strategy in man's one half is w oman ………………………W U Gao-yu( 106)
A n anal ysis of t he s pirit ual w orld and f amily life of t he merchant clas s in the pre-Q in period
………………………………………………………………………………………………ZH U J un( 116)
ZHA O Y i' s his to rial co mpilat ion t hought s ho wn fro m his st udy on Song , L iao and Jin hist ory reco rds
……………………………………………………………………………………………L I U L ing-di ( 119)

Comparason on M A O Ze-dong' s t ho ug ht of t he rel at ionship bet w een t he centr al
and lo cal governments w it h t hat of DEN G X iao-ping' s. ………………………………W EI H ong-y ing( 1)
Q uestio ns on cultural development t o wards t he direct ion of prog ressive cult ure …WU Sheng-gang( 15)
M encius' idea of classif icatio n ………………………………………………………ZH A N G X iao-guang( 26)
O n rule of law and rule of m orals ………………………………………………………FEN G Guo-lian( 33)
O n t he problems and count ermeasures of ent erprises' t echno logical innov ation ………L I U M ing-gui( 41)
N ew advances in implicit social cog nit ion ……………………………………………………X U D a-z hen( 53)
Const ruct ion of a teaching pat t ern o f creat ive t hinking w ith nine
key elem ent s-A T DESEK T E ………………………………………………………………L I Y ue-hui( 56)
L iterat ur e periodical sho uld adiust it' s ang le of v iew o f publishing ……………………YA N G X ue-qin( 85)
T he f unctions of polit ical lang uag e ……………………………………………………………H U Y a-y un( 88)
G eneralizes r ig id discourse pat terns of M odel Operas ………………………………………ZH U K e-y i( 91)
O n t he t y pes of t he charact ers in L I bai' s poems about w omen ………………………………H U X in( 107)
M y o pinio n on t he cause o f t he r ise and decline about z aj u in t he
Y uan D ynast y ……………………………………………………………………SH A N G Zuo-y un( 110)
T he hist or ical m eaning of W A N G Guo -w ei's g am e t heory ………………………………MI X ue-j un( 116)

“Realistic man”and spirit …………………………………………………………………H EN G Cai-xia( 1)
M ar ket eco no my and t he all-round dev elo pm ent of m an ………………………………ZH A O Guo-dong( 6)
L ife rig ht and it s const it ut ional s afeguards ………………………………………………S UN D a-x iong( 16)
L eg islat ive evaluat ion o f the legal validit y of dis po sit io n co nt ract w it hout right ……L IU J iang-qin( 20)
T he influence of entr y o f WT O on regional inco me dis parit y and count ermeasures
…………………………………………………………………………………………Y A N G Y un-san( 43)
T he influence of environment on children's ability t o self -cont rol ……………………W A N G J in-y un( 46)
O n t he cultural int egrat ion of m ult inat ional enterprises …………………………………WA N G Qian( 63)
Pres uppo sit io n and ent ailment ………………………………………………FA N X iao, CH EN Zhong( 68)
N ew development s in mo dern w rit ing s tudies in t he new cent ury …………………………D U F u-lei( 74)
M odule phenomenon in t ho ug ht in the proces s of w rit ing ……………………………J I N Chang -min( 77)
A brief analy sis of J ack L ondon's s uperman complex ……………………………L I U Y ong, H A O H ui( 81)
T he contr ibutio n of L U Ji t o t he for ming o f “pictures in po et ry ”t radit ion ……………X U Bo-hong( 84)
Self -adjust ment bet w een unres t rained life and indulg ence in romance
——The cynical tendency and dissipated sincerity of QIA O Ji's Zaj u …………ZH A N G Da-x in( 97)
A s urvey o f t he debat es o n t he r elat ions bet w een t he flo uris hing of Zaj u and t he
lit erali of t he Y uan Dy nas t y ……………………………………………………CH E N M ao-qiong( 102)
ZHA N G Wen-tian's ant -corr uptio n idea and pract ice ……………………………………X I A W ei -qi ( 117)

T he contr ibutio n of DEN G X iao-ping t o ess ent ial plan fo r legall y r uling a nat ion ………Q I J ian-hua( 1)
A dv ancing w ith tim es and innovat ion in t heory and the s t yle of st udy of M arxis m ……Y A N Y u-bin( 5)
T he dev elo pm ent of comt emporary cons t it ut io n po litics in China
and the push of political party ……………………………………………………WA N G San-xiu ( 10)
O n t he s ys tem of t he los t propert y ’s ow ners hip …………………………………………W A N G D e -l i( 24)
Fault -danger criminal and leg slat ive s ug gest ion …………………………S UO Guang -j u, MA O H ai -l i( 28)
O n China's s ocialist pocitical econom ics refo rm & Chines e Econom ics co ns tr uct io n ……W A N G Yan( 32)
T he Chinese Co mmunis t P ar ty and the peas ant problem in the
modernization course of China …………………………………………………………H E Yun-f eng( 42)
U r baniz ation as a long- term so lut ion t o pr oblem s of agricult ure,
peasants and villages …………………………………………………………………W U H ai-f eng ( 46)
Explorat ion int o t he school- bas ed curr icul um development ………………………ZH A N G Yi -quan( 54)
Comm ent on methods of Chinese language lit eracy t eaching …………………………W A N G L i -yi ng( 60)
O n t he l evels of t he cons t ruct ion of t eacher s in colleges and univer sit ies ………CH EN X iang-dong( 63)
O n t he dualit y of t he value func tion in mass cult ure …………………………………S U N Chang-j un( 65)
int ro spection on t he crit icism o f T hema s s cult ure at an aes thet ic angle ………………ZH U Q ing-f u( 71)
T he Cnating t im es and purpose o f Cao pei' s lun w en of D ianlun …………………ZH A N G Zhen-long( 89)
T he new period poem ins pect ing ………………………………………………………ZH A O J in-z hong( 94)
WA N G Zheng -qi: t he last w rit er o f t he Beijing scho ol ………………………………………GUA N Shu( 98)
Image analys is o f CA O Y u' s Y uan y e ……………………………………………ZH A N G Qing -X iang( 103)
O n t he docum ent ar y v alue o f T he Zhiz heng Collection by X U Y ou-ren ………………………FU Y ing( 111)
Caus e of t radilional s ocial ideals of China and its f orm ing pat t ern ………………ZH A O K un-sheng( 114)
T A N Ping -s han 's exploring and w orr ying about t he problem of peasant
during the Country Revolution ……………………………………………………CH EN Yi-yuan( 118)

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